Promised Land (2024)
Airbrush, acrylic, latex house paint, fringed newspaper, chicken hide, hair beads, oil pastel, chalk, marker. found images, glitter, staples, tacks and earring on canvas
74in x 56.5in
Airbrush, acrylic, frindged newspaper, feather, synthetic flower, chicken hide with feathers and costume jewelry on canvas
72" x 60"
Airbrush, acrylic, latex house paint, maple wood varnish, staples, oil pastel, glass, pencil, Beverly's crocheted flower, and fringed newspaper on canvas
78in x 72in.
Acrylic, oil pastels, clock, chain, earrings, feathers, found fabric, fringed newspaper, airbrush and spray paint on canvas on canvas
Fringed newspaper, acrylic, spray paint, airbrush, chicken wings with feathers, oil pastel, hair braid, shoe lace with beads, glitter, rhinestones, thumb tacks, passport book cover, collage, and silk flower with plastic insect on canvas
70'' x 60''